Photo credit: Neil Zeller Photography

The WIKKID Collective is an elite crew of cultural anthropologists and journalists that ‘rave, review and interview’.

As passionate storytellers and adventure seekers, we bring a unique perspective to document the vibrancy and energy of the night.

Our team is experienced, reliable, and ready to cover any outdoor environment with professionalism and flair.

We are proud of our dedication to these ethical and quality journalism standards.

  • We are fun, factual and battle tested to cover any outdoor environment

  • We are WIKKID professionals

  • We don’t deploy to the field at a moments notice

  • We are a collective that remind one another to manage the stress of journalism assignments before the stress manages us

  • We require written agreements in place to cover large events

  • We do not record interviews live or stream live at events

  • We are not the paparazzi. We do not chase celebrities or stories. We only interview celebrities when they have provided permission in advance

  • We request media access in advance for any event we want to cover. When we aren’t holding a camera or microphones at an event, that indicates that we are raving and not working!

  • We advocate for safer dance floors and increased harm reduction at events. We are sometimes approached as sober authorities at events by people in distress seeking support. We are experienced ravers and not bystanders. We report all incidents to producers

  • We believe that large festivals should have philanthropy strategies and give back to their community

  • We do not write bad reviews, defame or slander


Meet the WIKKID Witch

Our founder Leah McClure has over 20 years working in field journalism. She connects nations through storytelling and entertainment.

Learn more about the good WIKKID Witch of the West and what’s under her hat.